How to Make Direct Mail Advertising Work for Your Agency

icons of mail and users symbolizing direct mail advertising

If you became aware of a powerful tool that would help your clients build their brand, grow their business and extend their reach to new consumers, would you provide it for them? 

Here’s the tool—Direct Mail Advertising. 

Direct mail marketing has the potential to reach untapped prospects in a way that digital marketing simply can’t. With this type of advertising, you’ll be able to target the specific demographic you’re wanting to, and provide them with meaningful information that’s tangible.

By offering direct mail services, you give your clients access to one of the most effective means of speaking to potential clients where they live, in a personal way. With the advent of new technology, the benefits of direct mail are eye-opening. So, how does direct mail advertising drive business for you and your clients?

Customization Capabilities

One of the most valuable features of direct mail advertising is its capacity for personalization. Clients can add a splash of their brand’s personality and make authentic connections using any of the following:

  • Images
  • Specified Content
  • Special Offers
  • Discounts

If you have a unique message with personalized content, you’ll be able to increase the chances of having a successful campaign. With custom designed direct mail campaigns, your message will stand out among mass-produced mailers and boost your client’s ability to engage and capture the interest of prospective customers.


While direct mail campaigns may appear costly up front, they are actually extremely cost-effective. Consumers are bombarded each day with a barrage of digital messages that they’ve learned to tune out. This is where direct mail marketing has an advantage. Direct mail ensures that your message will rise above the digital noise, providing maximum exposure and an excellent ROI.

Highly Targeted

Consumers respond well to individualized messaging, and they want to receive mail about brands that interest them. Direct mail advertising’s competitive advantage lies in its ability to target the right business or consumer using demographic information such as age, gender, interests, or known behaviors. Targeted consumers receive only information and offers that interest them, ensuring that your marketing strategy will connect the right message with the right potential customer.

Trackable Results

When it comes to advertising, we all want to know what works so we can avoid strategies that are ineffective. Direct mail technology can attribute and measure the number of new customers, reengagement activities, or increases in conversion activities. 

With online analytics, you and your clients can monitor and track just how hard your marketing dollars are working. You’ll also have the ability to make adjustments as needed, depending on the results you’re seeing.

CPMI Solutions Can Make Your Direct Mail Advertising a Success

If you are looking for direct mail solutions from established experts, look no further than CPMI Solutions. Our direct mail programs complement your clients’ digital marketing strategy to reach their consumers in the most effective way possible. We offer full-service direct mail, which also includes planning, targeting, and optimization. You’ll be ready to take your marketing efforts to the next level right away.

Contact us today to learn how a well designed and executed direct mail campaign can elevate your client’s presence in the marketplace. Open a new marketing channel for your clients that will be a personal and meaningful consumer touchpoint.