
At CPMI Solutions, we know that whether you’re selling goods or services, you’re confident that there are people who would be interested if they knew about your brand. In any new marketing campaign, you must first identify your ideal customers and then strategize how to get your message to them. Your approach when tackling this challenge can make or break your business. Prospecting is about finding your audience and generating leads. Our automated direct mail can help you accomplish both.

Generate New Sales Inquiries

Prospecting: The Strong Start for Your Marketing Efforts

When it comes to marketing, even perfect content and flawless design won’t earn you sales if you haven’t identified the right people to market to. No real marketing effort can begin without prospecting, which involves finding your ideal customer and then deciding how best to deploy your message. Strategic prospecting is what turns lists into leads and leads into sales.

While most companies have been focusing their efforts exclusively on digital outreach, direct mail has been evolving. With direct mail, your prospecting can be even more targeted than it could be in a digital space, and you can target entirely different groups. CPMI Solutions can help you find your prospects that are hidden in plain sight and harness the power triggered direct mail.

The Value of Direct Mail in a Digital World

Direct mail can take you places that digital marketing just can’t follow—right into people’s hands and homes. With direct mail automation, you won’t be contributing to the constant digital noise that consumers face. Your campaign won’t run the risk of being disregarded by consumers who are irritated by digital marketing and who may not even open their emails anymore.

Effective prospecting for direct mail brings you one step closer to connecting with customers in a real, tangible way and reaching customers who may not have responded to a digital campaign in years.

Discover Your Hidden Audience
couple reading letter in kitchen from direct mail marketing service

Get Specific with Targeted Prospecting

Direct mail allows for the kind of targeted prospecting that digital marketers can only dream of. Companies that rely solely on digital marketing are all clamoring for the same lists of consumers. With direct mail, you gain access to different data than what’s available for a digital campaign. 

Let’s say you have have a segment that you know you want to target—men who live in Los Angeles County, have a long commute to work every weekday, and work out 5 days a week. We can generate lists of contacts for that. Give us a series of distinguishing features for the segment you want to target, and let us show you your new contacts.

CPMI Solutions Has a Strategy to Reach Your Customers

As experts in the direct mail marketing industry, we recognize the importance of prospecting in identifying your ideal customer and figuring out how to reach them. Once we’ve done that, it’s only a matter of time before your message is in your customers’ hands and they start reaching out.

You may be intimidated by the process of finding your ideal consumer, but our team at CPMI Solutions is not. We have the experience and know-how to work with you to generate the best list of contacts for exactly who you want to reach. We look forward to working with you to achieve the kind of results that prove direct mail marketing is still a competing force.

Enlist Expert Help to Find Your Ideal Customers

Partner with CPMI Solutions to Access Your Hard-to-Reach Customers

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