Author Archives: CPMI Solutions

The Competitive Advantage of Direct Mail for Digital Agencies

You’ve probably heard that digital marketing is booming these days. It’s true—social media ads, SEO, [...]

How SaaS Businesses Benefit From Direct Mail Marketing

In an increasingly digital world, SaaS businesses face the challenge of standing out against so [...]

The Role of Storytelling in Direct Mail Marketing

From cave paintings to Shakespearean plays, stories have been used to convey messages, share knowledge, [...]

Strategies to Take Your Marketing Further With Personalized Direct Mail Campaigns

Without an effective strategy for their direct mail marketing campaign, a business runs the risk [...]

7 Ways Direct Mail Marketing Experts Can Boost Your Strategy’s Effectiveness

Direct mail marketing may seem like a dated marketing tactic in an age of digital [...]

Direct Mail Campaign Management: Services for Efficiency and Effectiveness

Direct mail is a popular advertising method that’s been around for decades. However, developing an [...]

How Your Business Benefits from Hiring a Direct Mail Marketing Agency

While digital marketing dominates the modern world, the unique appeal of direct mail marketing helps [...]

Delivering Compelling Calls to Action in Your Direct Mail Design

A compelling call to action (CTA) bridges the gap between a prospective client’s interest and [...]

The Integration of Direct Mail and Digital Media Technology: Best Practices

In the fast-paced world of marketing, technology continues to change the game and breathe new [...]

Creating a Memorable Customer Experience With Your Direct Mail Campaign

Creating a memorable customer experience is all about crafting moments that stick with your audience [...]